Jason Lugo

Jason Lugo,

Jason Lugo, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Headshot of Jason Lugo

Jason is a licensed marriage and family therapist whose passion is helping children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families reach their personal goals and fullest potential. Blending effective clinical skills with 15 years of pastoral counseling experience, Jason combines compassion and empathy with honesty and practical tools. He specializes in anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, marriage, parenting, and life-transitions. When meeting with Jason, you can expect a sincere and accepting atmosphere regardless of your situation and background. He merges cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with solution-focused brief therapy when counseling, and tailors each session to your unique goals and background.

Headshot of Jason Lugo

Regardless of where you are, Jason believes no situation is hopeless and that you have the resources and resiliency to achieve health and happiness. Jason grew up in Texas and is a U.S. Army Veteran and ordained minister. He earned his Master of Arts degree in marriage and family therapy from Liberty University, and his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. Jason’s clinical experience includes Seattle’s Center for Child Development and Alliance Child and Family Solutions in Fort Worth. In addition to working with patients, Jason has conducted extensive workshops, seminars, and conferences for marriage, parenting, self-help, and leadership throughout the United States, Mexico, and Russia.


What Jason’s Clients Say